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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2001-08-12 - 8:07 p.m.

not really sure whazt i'm suppose dto say. I finally got in the tub so that rocked. I have a love/hate relationship with being teased. physically and emotionally. yep, i got flowers. and other cool stuff to play with. and i think bryan was happy too.

then carrie and sarita BUT NOT DIANE GRR! came and stayed the ngitha nd we rented videos and it wasok but they stayed till nearly three today and i was so ready for them to leave. but it was still good. i would be talking to them and fidgeting with my hands then i realized i wantedsoemthign to do with my hands so i gave myself a massage but tis much nicer when bryan is arond. however he is off doing ozfest which i hope he didint get too wet at and ascially all is well. btw friday night we had dinner with katie and cody at tumulties and that was ok- i was just worried about what bryan was gonna do and such. but i survived. i'v said it before0 i like HIM_ not flowers, not ay pf the other accoutrmenets, not even the cats.

ok maybe i didint say that before :P

i felt so silly tgiving sarita lall this guy advice but from my psoition of calmness and weird domesticity i felt ok. yeah so bryan an di went to wonder thrift on saturday too which was cool- it doesnt count as domestic if ythe store if going out of business.



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