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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2003-05-01 - 9:27 p.m.

I feel like having written something.

I keep writing or helping her write all my mothers grad school papers. So when people ask if I'm worried about the material, the work etc, I laugh.

I do grad school papers in my spare time

Applied for a very decent part time job today. I interview really well and if this works out my life may just be divine. Excerpt for being overweight.

Also- I got into georgetown. Ok. Good to know. Even if they ha doffered me a free ride at this point I already commited to the New School so-- I'm glad they didnt offer me any money at all. I guess.

I really do hate where I work right now. Correction: the work itself isnt hard or unpleasant ( once you get past the fact that I shovel shit) its the people and the conditions they create.

I ought to be a real bitch and write out the whole farm name so when people search google this pops up. My rant about what a pairs of false liars and lazy sacks of grass they are. Maybe once I'v moved Harvey. heeheh.

Ok so why did today suck such a big nut?

1. As per the usual apperantly I have to run the barn by myself till they diegn to arrive. Fine. Not what I signed up for. Not that they even looked at my referneces. I showed up and could talk the talk and I was hired. Makes you wonder, no?

And its not the fact that theyu dont come in ROUTINELY till 10 am. It's that they call. Do you want any coffee? I'm brushing my teeth! I'm cleaning up after my dog! I'm fucking my UGLY boyfriend! Without protection!

Which leads to number

2. I despise listeneing to people who use inadequte or none xistant birth control bemoan the fact that they THINK they MIGHT by pregnant. Even if their period isnt due for three weeks. I have little to no sympathy. Planned Parenthood people!

For that matter if you are SO damn responsible for your own life why am I having you be the primary caregiver to the closest thing i have to a child?

3. They lie. To each other. To cusotmers. For fun? I can;t tell. And I lie. Or I used to. I was goooood. And I have struggled to stop lieing. Consciously stop saying things I made up. But they dont say things they made up, they say things they know to be contrary to fact conditions. If they lie to each other how am I supposed ot trust them?

4. Today was absolutly gorgoues. I mean after 9:30 it was sunny and pretty and airy and nice. Where were all our horses?> Out in the shadey brook? In the sun, basking? Eating fresh spring grass? Stuck in their stalls due to the laziness and incomtiment of the barn people. (Not me)

a. The trainer was getting a pedicure today. Then going out to lunch. So if it rained, she wouldn't be there to rbing them in. Despite the fact that a little rain has never hurt a horse.

b. Trainer #2 not only was joining trainer #1 at lunch out (was I invited?) but doesnt want to have to rbing in all the horses by herself. Not because she's afraid., or disabled, but because she;s a lazy bitch. Yes it is a little pain in the ass to walk back and forth from the paddocks oh- 16 + times. But you do it or your in the wrong business.

Also- THe horses only seem to go out 1 in every third day. No good reason.

What number am I on?

5.We've been at the new farm for 3+ months and yesterday the fields got water troughs. Till then the horses had to condese their pown moisture during turnout.

6.Both trainers have kids they dont like to teach. Thats who I get to teach. They refuse to teach for me if I have to be elsewhere. Because they dont like those kids.

Lesson: Boarding barns make NO Money of the board- they make money in lessons. Period. These people aren;t making money, because they dont even like to teach- especially not beginers who are 75% of all riders at any given time. So basically these two kiss 75% more lesson income goodbye because they are in the wrong line of work.

7. Double standerds:

a. My horse got free board for two weeks. I was out there 4-5 days a week working my butt off. Trainer #2's second horse gets a 75% discount on board and doesn't even bother to do said horses stall most days because it is (was) up a short hill from the rest of the barn. Which just goes in with the fact that they aviod any task thats is the least bit unpleasant or diffuclt.

b. I have a ton of horsey experience. I was hired to lunge, train, sweep, feed, blanket and clean "a few" stalls. Not 11+ a day. I get paid 50 cents LESS an hour then Trainer #2's boyfriend who helps out some days. Who has zero horse experience. WHo is being paid to tdo the same job I am.

c. Did I mention this wasn;t the job I signed up for?

d. Did I mention i took a HUGE ( like 2.50 an hour) paycut to work here?

I feel even more enraged. There's more general lack of caring baout horse care etc. It's all about appearences with them- looking clean and pretty- not getting anything done.

And I have to go back tomorow.

PLease let me have gotten the nice new job.


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