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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2004-01-29 - 9:55 p.m.

Took this from Jenn1017 [but lots of others have posted as well]


1. Copy this whole list into your journal.

2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. Take note, ALL 100 are about me, the bold ones I have in common with Jenn1017. You bold what you have in common with me then make up new things about YOU for the rest.

01. I drink nearly any soda- right now only Diet though.

02. I think the best sound in the world is horses. Yep.

03. I like to read.

04. I�ve done a lot to change my life for the better, and things are going swimmingly!

05. I HATE lima beans

06. I love my job!

07. I have some regrets, but there's nothing I would change.

08. I wear glasses at times, but I usually wear contact lenses.

09. I suck at cooking because I have people who do that sort of thing for me. I'm some sort of Princess I think.

10. I like cats.

11. I want to get a dog once I get out of my apartment and buy a house with room for one.

12. I have never been married.

13. I've never been to Bermuda.

14. My favorite color is Yellow. Or grey.

15. I am a college graduate [with honors!].

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. I like to spend a lot of time by myself.

18. I never go anywhere. I'm a very antisocial person. It's not that i dont like other people I just have trouble being myself around them

19. I want to travel (some of) the world.

20. I am SO not a morning person.

21. I love to dance � I�m not good at it.

22. I will usually try foods I don't like to impress adults.

23. I love the smell of (Dunkin Donuts) coffee.

24. It is super easy to hurt my feelings.

25. My biggest vice is self-pity.

26. I consider myself very intuitive.

27. I am extremely creative.

28. Three people this week told me I can always joke them out of a bad mood- thats why they like me.

29. I'm really blase about cleaning except for certain days when the bed MUST be made before bedtime.

30. I read like a demon. Huge books. All the time. Except Deb still has all my good books. (boo!)

31. I hate sheets and only sleep under one blanket which I refuse to share.

32. I love baby animals. Like who�s going to say, �Damn, kittens suck!�???

33. I have no use for pretentious people. Another no brainer.

34. I have many role models, none of whom I have actually met.

35. I am tolerant of different points of view, but I don�t have to like it.

36. I am not as wealthy as I'd like to be. Who is?

37. I think I am a liberterian.

38. I am an attention whore! (My mom was talking about me to a stranger tonight and explained my catchphrase as "Pay attention to me!" But...yeah. It's true. )

39. The mixer is my favorite kitchen appliance.

40. I have no siblings.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.

42.I never met my father. He died 6.5 months before I was born.

43. I�m an east coaster.

44. I can't grow nice nails.

45. I have limited patience.

46. I love coleslaw.

47. Gilda Radner was one of the most gifted comedic actors ever.

48. I have never seen a single episode of Sex In The City, Queer As Folk, or The Sopranos.

49. I obsess when my computer isn't working right.

50. I love road trips, especially if someone else is driving.

51. I like silence at times.

52. Sometimes I have absolutly no patience with humans. I lose my temper a LOT! Animals get a longer patience thread but I still get mad at them too. I scream. It's not pretty.

53. I don't know my IQ

54. I am sometimes hypocritical.

55. I hardly wear any makeup, save some mascara and lip gloss.

56. I have 6 cats and wouldn't mind trading one of them for a rabbit but wouldn't trade the other five for 5000 dollars.

57. I still enjoy coloring books and crayons.

58. I used to have so much on my plate I often became overwhelmed.

59. I am not a member of the mile high club.

60. I lose everything.

61. I have a princess-like canopy over my bed that my parents made me when I was in high school. It's all about the love. ( I am NOT a princess!)

62. I have some pretty fluid morals and ethics.

63. I overreact about things sometimes.

64. I wish I kept in contact with more people from my past.

65. I hate wine to drink but love to cook with it.

66. I like to ride the train.

67. I like witty people.

68. I�m not comfortable in really humid climates.

69. I have serious eating issues.

70. I have never done any illegal drugs or smoked a cigarette or clove. Not because I don;t think they're cool though.

71. I hardly wear make-up.

72. I love, love, love candles.

73. I love my mom.

74.I think if I was thin I could be america's next top model. Hee..

75. I like opera music. Some of it.

76. I buy expensive pens to use in class and end making elaborate doodles with them.

77. I love Bath and Body Works.

78. My bra and panties are never a matched set.

79. I love women [in that way]. And Men too.

80. I watch Porn. By myself. :)

81. I own a vibrator.

82. My boobs are natural.

83. I love the Pokey Little Puppy and Invader Zim.

84. I'm very hesitant to overuse the l-word.

85. I dream of flying.

86. I daydream sometimes.

87. I have never had a panic attack.

88. I have been spanked by a lover. in a serious way. Etc.

89. I seriously consider driving into oncoming traffic rather then live my own life some mornings.

90. I am easily annoyed. and annoying,

91. I am easily amused.

92. I'm ready for this list thing to be over.

93. I think Michael Jackson should be publicly flogged and stripped of all money ***IF*** He is convicted.

94. I have many acquaintances, but only a few I consider real friends.

95. I have secrets. I know lots of your secrets too!

96. I always appreciate honesty, even if the truth sometimes hurts.

97. I like to help people. (I do a ton of volunteer work. Who knew?)

98. I miss my grandfather (even if we weren';t blood relatives)

99. I buy things for people just because.

100. I'm glad this is done!

Leave me a note or somehting if yo do this!


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