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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2001-02-11 - 01:43:08

i had the most amazingly fun time with bryan and katie and cody last night. and i had an even better time with bryan alone afterwards. he just keeps getting better and better.....

so i'm at home right now in case anyone is wondering (mindy). i went with my mom to my grandmothers for a hwile and then out to dinne.r I also went to the library and fulfilled my craving for artchitectural digest as well as managing to get my happy hands on a copy of the newest orsen scott card book so i'll eb up late tonight reading it straight through. :)

other things in the world? not much- general goodness in all things. found an article for my paper thats due friday, so tomorow i can put a hurtin' on that. i missed my mom. she's a good audeinece and she knows ALL my noises and voices and everything. i missed my room. and my house- and my animals- especially harvey who i will see tomorow.

so last night went something like this-

(its foremost in my mind so i'm talking about it lots....)

bryan came to pick me up around 7ish, we stopped by his house so he could drop off his things and make sure his cats were ok etc. we then drove to college ave and met katie and cody at a restraunt. we waited in the bar for a while and katie grabbed me a cool guiness shirt :) bryan just grabbed me. ;)

this continued through dinner and even throyugh lewis black's comedy which was REALLY funny. i keep saying this but the guy is smart! educated or at least well read. i base this on his using one tiny word: "Xanadu". Yeah. :)

then bryan drove me over to my apartment to pick up my stuff to bring home. My roomates were all completely wasted so they were embarasing yet endearingly amusing. mer said somehting like "did you give him a blowjob" not realizing he was right in the nect room so i replied loudly and bravely. i forget my exact words though. then i went to bryans. and i dont want to talk about it at all for fear i have dreamed it and he will say thats not how it happened at all! no not really.

suffice to say it pretty much rocked.

i mean like this is new to me stuff and it is good shit.

*pauses for a moment and drifts into silent reliving revelry*

back. sorry about that. heheheheh

then this morning we woke up at an early if not awful hour, and dressed and he drove me home. HOME home. and met my parents. eeeeeeek. i did not expect them to both be here or whatever but they were.

so i dont know if i belong to bryan and vice versa or not.

i dont want to know.

becuase if i dont i would be sad and have to try harder.

and if i did i would be a silly and happy.

i couldnt figure out why the clanaugh ring looked so familair to i got home- i have one.

i dont ever wear rings though- i'll bring it back to school though and see if bryan needs another. :)

the end!!

beth is a happy camper :)


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