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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2004-05-04 - 10:47 p.m.

Ok here is a ranting entry. (P.S. My life is hell)

So the chiropractor was supposed to come out this morning for a 8:30 am apt. There as another horse at mny ban scheduled for 8am.

A. he got there 20 minutes early and b. started my horse first even though the farm OWNER ( my true soulmate after bryan) expressley told him I was on my way.

I get there and he gives me this big song and dance about how screwed up my horse is. Which is a shock because until 2 days ago he was showing only slow and steady signs of improvement. (havent been there for 2 days).

He syas my horse is in such severe pain I need to get the accupuncutirst out ASAP. Instead of my vet?

He says he couldnt even carry a sadle right now (and looks pointedly at my ever shrinking ( yay!) self).

I say he 's been working just fine 5-6 days a week. He says as soon as he gets better i can work for an hour a day but now he needs a month of hand walking- which is preciesly what the vet said woul dbe bad for his stifle, the root of all this. He didint even let me explain that when I mean work I mean long line at the walk 2 times a week, lunge once a week and ride 2-3 for 20-30 minutes.


A. I dont have the money and

B all this is predicated on the fact that he can see something wrong with Harvey that neither I saw or felt, nor my ttrainer NOR THE VET!

He was doing hte back scrunch thing- but he;s done that since I owned him AND since the first day Chiro man treated him - so maybe he hasnt done nay good?


On the plus side i just finished at 16 page paper. The down side? Not for me. So no credit or props.


Baby shower prepr goes well. Sort of.

Got another 5k from the NewSchool for being brilliant.


prior mistakes future mistakes

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