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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2001-04-09 - 7:40 p.m.

well i just donated blood. getting blase about it these days.

except i HATE going alone.

no one talks to me and i want to cry.



i mean yeah it took a helluva longass time- like almost two hours total from the time i left the apartment tilli just sat down but still....

its just so lonesome there with all the happy people around talking and comforting and its not even that scary except a. finding my vein ( a hard task) and b. watching them fill the little tubes with blood because it rushes so fast in and you see how FAST your blood goes through your body. those are the only parts that really bother me. I mean i dont LIKE the needle going in or out, and the way the tube that feeds the blood to the bag is EXACTLY as warm as your skin is kinda weird- like the way "blood warm" water for a bath would be icky. you cant tell where your skin leaves off and the tubing begins.

anyway i felt especially good because i have O+ blood which is the most transfusable and the most in demand so i got a nifty yellow tag on my blood so they could rush it to be checked and used on babies and stuff.

yeah :)


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