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My Last Thesis Journal

Le Mage Journal

2002-03-06 - 12:27 p.m.

who is "me"?

who says "the greatest"?

plus meghan drew me this most cute cartoon during olde englysh that ended with me in bed between aragorn and legolas. Hmm. worse positions I guess...

else. I got a C on the olde enlgish exam. But I only got a 47.

SO do I bemoan my fate or hug the grad students for whom the class can;t give grades lower then C?

I miss Harvey.

I didin't sleep enough.

I'm bored in most all of my classes and my cyberlit teacher?

hates me. He asks smart questions and no one answers and I know if I answer I will be ridiculed or ignored so I sit on my hand usually. I'm limiting myself to one answer a day because quitting is just too tough right now.

Yep- addicting to answering questions.

Diane wanted a pizza at 1 am the other night so we got one but by the time it got there an hour later we were both asleep so she went and got it, snarfed two slices and came back to bed.

Bryans birthday was nice except for a debacle with his mom.

standerd I guess.


john minus = +++ good.

i'm wearing bryans shirt. It doesnt smell like him or anything but I know its his.

I got tea last night before spanish just so I would have a warm hand- so I could pretend someone was holding my hand.


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